Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find Mrs. Gerry's products?

Mrs. Gerry’s products are distributed throughout the United States. Because our products are available in retail and bulk sizes, and distributed by both retail and food service companies, we can’t list all the locations they are available. Please use the contact form on the “connect” page of our website or call customer service at 800-642-9662, and we will put you in touch with a sales representative in your area.

Where can I find nutritional and allergen information about Mrs. Gerry's products?

Nutritional information is listed on the bottom of all of our retail packaging. If you do not have our packaging available, please contact customer service at 800-642-9662 and we will be happy to assist you.  Allergen and other dietary information is available here, and can also be found at the bottom of each product category page.

How long are products good after they've been opened?

Mrs. Gerry’s products should be enjoyed within 7 days after opening the product (including opening date) if they are sealed and refrigerated properly.

What temperature should Mrs. Gerry’s products be stored at?

Mrs. Gerry’s products should be stored between 33° and 39°F.

Can I freeze Mrs. Gerry’s products?

We do not recommend freezing any of our products. We believe that quality is best when served fresh. Freezing can cause products to separate.

What temperature should products be heated to?

Products that can be heated should be heated to 165° to 180°F before serving and maintained at that temperature.

How do I heat Mrs. Gerry’s Mashed Potatoes and Macaroni & Cheese?

Mrs. Gerry’s Mashed Potatoes and Macaroni & Cheese are already cooked, and just need to be heated. We recommend the “boil-in-the-bag” method for heating.

Fill a large stock pot 2/3 full with water. Bring the water to a boil. Gently place the bag of Mrs. Gerry’s Mashed Potatoes or Macaroni & Cheese into the boiling water. Bring the water back to a boil. The bag should stay at a low rolling boil for approximately 25 minutes allowing the internal product temperature to reach between 165°-180°F. Pull the bag out of the water with tongs – CAUTION: contents and bag will be hot! Take hold of the top of the bag with an oven mitt. Hold the bag over half pan or serving dish. With a sharp knife or Mrs. Gerry’s Pouchmate, cut off the entire bottom of the bag. Squeeze the contents into the serving dish and enjoy!

Does Mrs. Gerry’s offer any vegetarian products?

Yes, the following Mrs. Gerry’s products are vegetarian: Country Style Potato, Deli Fresh Potato, Deviled Egg Potato, Dill Potato, Gourmet Potato, Mustard Potato, Old Fashioned Potato, Original Potato, Sliced Potato, Traditional Potato, Deli Fresh Macaroni, Macaroni, White Macaroni, Creamy Coleslaw, Deli Fresh Coleslaw, Dixie Coleslaw, Extra Creamy Coleslaw, Steakhouse Coleslaw, Sweet Pepper Slaw, Beet ‘N’ Onion, Cowboy Caviar, Cucumber ‘N’ Onion, Harvest Corn, Hawaiian, Mexican Style Street Corn, Mushroom, Three Bean, Deviled Egg Pasta, Greek Feta, Parmesan Peppercorn Pasta, Pasta Italiano, Rotelli Pasta, Spring Salad, Summer Fresh Pasta, Taco Pasta, Cheddar Broccoli Pasta Kit, Italian Pepperoni Pasta Kit, Oriental Crunch Kit, Parmesan Bows Kit, Creative Coleslaw Dressing, Lemon Garlic Pasta Base, Macaroni Base, Gourmet Macaroni & Cheese, Pea ‘N’ Cheese, Premium Macaroni & Cheese, Egg Salad, Homestyle Egg Salad, Old Fashioned Dill Dip, Old Fashioned Spinach Dip, Southwestern Dip, Cheesecake Supreme, Cookies ‘N’ Crème, Pistachio Pineapple, Rice Pudding, Strawberry Surprise, Tapioca Pudding, Cranberry Almond Pasta, Cranberry Orange Relish, Classic Mashed Potatoes, Country Style Mashed Potatoes, Hearty Mashed Potatoes, and Premium Mashed Potatoes.

Does Mrs. Gerry’s offer any vegan products?

Yes, the following Mrs. Gerry’s products are vegan: Sweet Pepper Slaw, Beet ‘N’ Onion, Cowboy Caviar, Cucumber ‘N’ Onion, Harvest Corn, Mushroom, Three Bean, Pasta Italiano, Rotelli Pasta, Italian Pepperoni Pasta Kit, Oriental Crunch Kit, and Cranberry Orange Relish.

Does Mrs. Gerry’s offer any fat free products?

Yes, the following Mrs. Gerry’s products are fat free: Beet ‘N’ Onion, Cucumber ‘N’ Onion, Mushroom, Three Bean, Premium Poultry Gravy and Cranberry Orange Relish.

Does Mrs. Gerry’s offer any low fat products?

Yes, the following Mrs. Gerry’s products are low fat: Steakhouse Baked Beans, German Potato, Sweet Pepper Slaw, Cowboy Caviar, Harvest Corn, Pasta Italiano, Rice Pudding, Strawberry Greek Yogurt Parfait and Tapioca Pudding.

Does Mrs. Gerry’s offer any low sodium products?

Yes, the following Mrs. Gerry’s products are low sodium: Old Fashioned Dill Dip, Oriental Crunch Kit, Cowboy Caviar, Harvest Corn, Mandarin Orange Mist, Strawberry Greek Yogurt Parfait, Strawberry Surprise, Cranberry Orange Relish.

Does Mrs. Gerry’s offer any products that are low carbohydrate?

Yes, the following Mrs. Gerry’s products are low carbohydrate: Seven-layer Salad Kit, Premium Poultry Gravy, Egg Salad, Homestyle Egg Salad, Old Fashioned Dill Dip, Old Fashioned Spinach Dip and Southwestern Dip.

Does Mrs. Gerry’s offer any products with no added preservatives?

Yes, the following Mrs. Gerry’s products have no added preservatives: Macaroni, Creamy Coleslaw, Deli Fresh Coleslaw, Dixie Coleslaw, Extra Creamy Coleslaw, Steakhouse Coleslaw, Sweet Pepper Slaw, Beet ‘N’ Onion, Cucumber ‘N’ Onion, Mushroom, Three Bean, Cranberry Almond Pasta Kit, Oriental Crunch Kit, Macaroni Base, Ham Salad, Tuna Salad, Southwestern Dip, Cranberry Orange Relish.

Can any of Mrs. Gerry’s products be heated?

Yes, the following Mrs. Gerry’s products can be heated: Baked Potato, Deluxe Loaded Potato, Dill Potato, German Potato, Steakhouse Potato, Sweet Pepper Slaw, Cowboy Caviar, Harvest Corn, Jalapeno Popper Pasta, Taco Pasta, Tortellini Carbonara Pasta, Cheese Tortellini Kit, Calico Beans, Gourmet Macaroni & Cheese, Premium Macaroni & Cheese, Premium Poultry Gravy, Steakhouse Baked Beans, Cranberry Orange Relish, Classic Mashed Potatoes, Country Style Mashed Potatoes, Hearty Mashed Potatoes and Premium Mashed Potatoes. Product is to be heated to 165° to 180°F before serving.

Does Mrs. Gerry’s offer any gluten-free products?

Mrs. Gerry’s is not a gluten-free facility as we have wheat in our facility. Although we have thorough wash downs and good manufacturing practices, we cannot guarantee gluten-free.

If you are looking for products that do not contain wheat, we have the following options:

Baked Potato, Classic Potato, Country Style Potato, Deli Fresh Potato, Deviled Egg Potato, Dill Potato, German Potato, Gourmet Potato, Mustard Potato, Old Fashioned Potato, Original Potato, Steakhouse Potato, Traditional Potato, Creamy Coleslaw, Deli Fresh Coleslaw, Dixie Coleslaw, Extra Creamy Coleslaw, Steakhouse Coleslaw, Sweet Pepper Slaw, Beet ‘N’ Onion, Cowboy Caviar, Cucumber ‘N’ Onion, Harvest Corn, Mexican Style Street Corn, Mushroom, Three Bean, Seven-layer Salad Kit, Broccoli Toss Base, Creative Coleslaw Dressing, Pea ‘N’ Cheese, Premium Poultry Gravy, Steakhouse Baked Beans, Egg Salad, Ham Salad, Homestyle Egg Salad, Tuna Salad, Old Fashioned Dill Dip, Old Fashioned Spinach Dip, Southwestern Dip, Cheesecake Supreme, Fruit Salad, Hawaiian Ambrosia, Mandarin Orange Mist, Pistachio Pineapple, Rice Pudding, Strawberry Greek Yogurt Parfait, Strawberry Surprise, Tapioca Pudding, Cranberry Orange Relish, Classic Mashed Potatoes, Country Style Mashed Potatoes, Hearty Mashed Potatoes, and Premium Mashed Potatoes.

Does Mrs. Gerry’s offer any Kosher certified products?

Mrs. Gerry’s does not have any Kosher certified products.

Does Mrs. Gerry’s use high fructose corn syrup in their products?

Like many food processors, Mrs. Gerry’s uses high fructose corn syrup in the production of some of its products. High fructose corn syrup is the most common added sweetener used today in processed foods manufactured in the U.S. There is powerful scientific evidence and agreement that high fructose corn syrup is safe and nutritionally the same as sugar.

How much product do I need for a party?

Mrs. Gerry’s normally suggests 4 to 5 servings per pound of product, but varies depending on the number of men, women and children attending and other food being served.